2014年1月8日 星期三

文章中段的撰寫 (五) 如何解釋因由

She is happy. Because she has been elected monitor. O
上述句子是筆者常評閱會考作文卷時看到的錯誤句子 (Common Errors)。下列為一些表達「為何」的正確句式,請各同學細閱:
a)      She is happy because she has been elected monitor of the class.
b)      As she has been elected monitor, she is happy.
c)      Since she has been elected monitor, she is happy.
d)     It is because she has been elected monitor, she is happy.
e)      She is happy for having been elected monitor.
f)       Owing to being elected monitor, she is happy.
上述句式,均可表達「因為」的意思,大家應留意because是連接詞 (Conjunction) 而非副詞 (Adverb),故只能像a) 句中作連起兩句之用而不能放在句子之開首;相反e)水及f) 句中的 ‘for’ ‘Owing to’,後面 則不能連起子句或動詞,否則為錯誤,如:
i)        She is happy for she has been elected monitor. O
ii) Owing to she has been elected monitor, she is happy. O
‘Owing to’ ‘for’ 後面只能以名詞 (Noun) 及名詞片語 (Noun Phase) 連接,句子表達才會合乎文法。各同學切記!

一篇好的文章需要文體及文法並重,宜重質, 不重量. 考核同學能否正確運用英語文法, 本欄每期均列一句子,內含本港公開試考生常犯之文法錯誤、答案及分析於下期刊載。你會接受考驗嗎?

今期修改句子 The children _____generally spent their money on snacks, stationary, toys
               and computer games..
A) were surveyed    B) to be surveyed    C) surveyed    D) had been surveyed

上期問题:  :: Since I installed the television. I have had a big _____in the number of
           patients.  Q41/98)
A)  turnover   B)  change    C)  input    D)  increase            答案:  D

考核文法重點:  名詞 (Noun)

題解及分析:  Turnover營業額, change 只解改變, input輸入, 只有 increase 才表示了病人數字有很大的增加.

*此輯文章共30,凡連續於comment 欄中表達意見或答對本期問題6,均可獲本中心送出精美禮品一份.

