一篇約300 字的文章,至少分為四至五段。閱讀文章的人士很易會顧此失彼,閱至中段或末段時,已遺忘作者在文首或其後段落的重點意思。故此,如在結束文章前,把文章要旨再歸納成重點和摘要,會令讀者更容易掌握整篇文章的涵意和訊息,下列兩例子可闡述「摘要」的技巧 (請留意文中有底線的字句):
Topic: Hong Kong is a place of contrasts.
In summary, Hong Kong is a land of contrasts. It is
a place where the rich and the poor, the old and the modern, the Eastern
and the Western exist side by side. It is a place which you will never
get tired of.
Topic: What is a leader?
In short, the
leader is the servant of the group. He has to sacrifice a lot. However, he
is also the one who enjoys the pleasure of working more than anyone else in
the group.
一篇好的文章需要文體及文法並重,宜重質, 不重量. 為考核同學能否正確運用英語文法, 本欄每期均列一句子,內含本港公開試考生常犯之文法錯誤、答案及分析於下期刊載。你會接受考驗嗎?
David will marry with Jane.
上期問题::We are busy for preparing for our
答案: 删去busy後之for
考核文法重點: 介系詞 (Preposition)
題解及分析: busy 可作形容詞及介系詞用(Preposition); 用作介系詞時, 其後跟隨的動詞必須為動名詞
(Gerund), 常用相類的形容詞有like(相似) 及 worth(值得):
1 We are
busy preparing for our examination (我們忙於考試)
2 Smoking is like committing suicide slowing (食煙好像慢性自殺) 3
This film is worth watching (這電影值得一看)
*此輯文章共30講,凡連續於comment 欄中表達意見或答對本期問題6次,均可獲本中心送出精美禮品一份