2013年9月9日 星期一

如何開展好你的文章- (第三章) 引用成語 (Using proverbs)

引用成語 (Using proverbs)

(1)   Topic: ‘People judge one another by clothes’ Discuss.
As the proverb runs ‘clothing makes the man’, my personal experience confirms that this cannot be more true...

(2)   Topic: The proper attitude of a responsible student
 The proverb says ‘make hay while the sun shines’. The wisdom contained in this proverb is, in my opinion, eternal.

如果你平日多記誦數句用途較廣泛的諺語,比方「三思而後行」 ‘Look before you leap’、「聊勝於無」‘Better late than never’、「預防勝於治療」‘Prevention is better than cure’ 及「處於兩難中」‘Choose between two evils’ 等等,自會在開始文章第一段時,易於下筆,文思敏捷!

那麼,如何能善用聯想(Free Association),才能吸引評卷員或讀者產生閱讀的興趣?下期會逐一為你介紹。

今期修改句子 Some of the students are lazy
上期問题:  I shall promptly contribute to the society once I graduate. 
考核文法重點: 名詞, 冠詞及副詞(noun, article & adverb)
答案:  應刪去 “the”
題解及分析:     1. 名詞可分為可數名詞(Countable Noun)及不可數名詞(Uncountable Noun)兩種. 單數可數名詞, 需要加冠詞(a,an,the), 不可數名詞, 則不需. Society 乃抽象名詞(Abstract Noun), 不需加任何冠詞.
                                2. once 除了是副詞(adverb),也可作連接詞(Conjunction), 作用與if 相若, 故於此題中没有錯.
                                3. promptly, 解迅速地, 乃時間性副詞, 插入動詞Contribute 前或society後均可
*此輯文章共30講。凡連續於comment 欄中表達意見或答對本期問題6次,均可獲本中心送出精美禮品一份.

