2014年4月30日 星期三

完結文章的技巧 (四) Using Proverbs

英語裡有不少諺語 (Proverb),言簡意賅,如能善用,在完結文章時,有畫龍點睛之效。讀者亦會對文章所傳遞的訊息有深刻的感覺。下列例子可作參考:

Topic: The proper attitude of facing the challenges of HKCEE.
a.       ‘Where there is a will, there is a way.’ says the proverbs. So if we want to have a meaningful future, we should believe in that we are the master of our own fate.
b.      ‘Every cloud’ has its silver lining.’ says the proverb. We should therefore not give up hope even in the darkest moment of our life.
c.        As the proverb runs, ‘A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.’ This proverb is very true. I would rather be ignorant than have misleading knowledge which will do more harm than good.

一篇好的文章需要文體及文法並重,宜重質, 不重量. 考核同學能否正確運用英語文法, 本欄每期均列一句子,內含本港公開試考生常犯之文法錯誤、答案及分析於下期刊載。你會接受考驗嗎?

今期修改句子 Where will you be in Easter?

上期問题:She has two sons: one works in a bank and another works in a book shop.

答案:  another 應改作 the other
考核文法重點:  代名詞 (Pronoun)

題解及分析:  當所描述的人物超過三個, 方可用(另一個), :
1            She has three sons: one works in a bank; another (works) in a book shop; the other (works) in a trading company. 但當總數只是二個; 剩下的一個必須用 the other, 例如:
2            She has two sons: one (works) in a bank; the other (works) in a book shop.
為免重覆, 上述二句括號用之動詞(works) 可省略.

*此輯文章共30,凡連續於comment 欄中表達意見或答對本期問題6,均可獲本中心送出精美禮品一份.

