2013年10月5日 星期六

如何開展好你的文章?— [第五章] 歸納與推論 (Generalization and Deduction)

歸納與推論 (Generalization and Deduction)
歸納(Generalization) 及推論 (Deduction) 兩者對開展文章均十分有用。推論是局部推全部,由特殊例子引領到普遍情況;而歸納則剛好相反,由一般情況引領至特別事情。下列兩個例子可說明它們的應用情況:

(1)   Topic: ‘People in Hong Kong are most selfish’, support this statement by describing an incident you experienced.

歸納法:Hong Kong is a society where most people care only for their own self-interests. Last week, I witnessed an incident which confirms the truth of this viewpoint. The incident runs as follows.

(2) Topic: Advertising in modern life
推論法:You simply walk along the road and you can see various kinds of signboards hanging in front of every shop. There are thousands of posters on the wall and windows. Today we live in a forest of advertisements.


下期會為你介绍如何運用連串動作(a series of actions) 撰寫記敘文.


今期修改句子A serious car accident happened yesterday.

上期問题:  I have not any money at the moment.              答案:  “應加gothad

考核文法重點: 及輔助動詞(verb & auxiliary)    

題解及分析:            亦可作兩詞類, 輔助動詞已經 及動詞”, 如果用作輔助動詞, 其後必須由一動詞的過去分詞(past participle) 跟隨:
           1.  I have not got any money at the moment. (Auxiliary, 巳經”)
                但用為普通動詞, 必須以下列形式表示.
                1   I do not have any money at the moment (Verb, do not have沒有”)
                2   I have no money at the moment. (Verb, have no亦解沒有”)

*此輯文章共30講。凡連續於comment 欄中表達意見或答對本期問題6次,均可獲本中心送出精美禮品一份.

